BOTOX®/DYSPORT are treatments for wrinkles and the most commonly treated areas are:

  • lines & folding of skin between the eyebrows caused by frowning known as “frown lines”

  • lines around the eyes are known as crows feet caused by squinting or smiling

  • horizontal lines across the forehead caused by raising the eyebrows

 Is it safe?

Yes! BOTOX®/DYSPORT has been available for 25 years and has been used to treat many diseases. In fact, it is used in children as young as 2 years old to treat cerebral palsy. It has been proven to be very safe through extensive testing and research.  BOTOX is an approved drug used to treat patients with cosmetic wrinkles

 How is it done?

 It is injected with a very tiny needle

How to prepare for your treatment:

We recommend our patients to discontinue the use of alcohol 3-5 days prior to the procedure. This will help minimize any bruising after the procedure.

Whats the right age to start botox?

Their is no right or wrong age to start botox. It is totally up to you as wrinkles and other signs of aging are genetic and environmental factors. Some people start botox as early as 20 and other people don’t see any signs until 40.

 Does it hurt?

Most patients say the injections feel similar to a small pinch. We apply a topical numbing cream 10-15 minutes prior to the procedure.

 How quickly does it work?

It can take up to 2 weeks for it to take full effect. Usually, we ask patients to wait for 14 days to fully see the results. DYSPORT has been shown in studies to start working just after 3 days.